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Weight loss after pregnancy by quickly just in 2 weeks, how to remove extra bally weight from body, how to get slim body after pregnancy, be slim after pregnancy like before
mostly woman are very upset after pregnancy due to her weight increase very fast and they look very fatty and aged, so they try to remove extra weight by medicines and different methods but they can not get results. so they feel no good and they go to operate for removing extra fat from her bally and from body this is not good for health and body.
today i am sharing with you home made remedies for losing weight at home just in weeks and you feel like before pregnancy. So, don't worry and follow these tips for losing weight at home with out any exercise and medicines.
After pregnancy main cause of increasing in weight is mother's cannot drink her milk to her child and their milk become in fats in her body and they become fatty.

Tip No.1 for losing weight after pregnancy!

  1. use 1 teaspoon honey with half teaspoon lemon juice in water and drink this milk for 3 weeks regularly in morning before taking breakfast.
  2. drink 3 glass of water lukewarm water early in the morning.
  3. mix half 1/2 teaspoon honey and 1/2 teaspoon ginger powder in glass of water and drink this on regularly your extra fat will be removing just in weeks.

Weight loss after pregnancy by quickly just in 2 weeks

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Weight lose totka by Zobida Apa in Urdu Home Remedies in Urdu, how we lose Fastest way to lose weight in one month?, lose weight, Patla hone ka tarika in urdu | weight less in urdu | How to become slim,
ajj kal har koi apne bharte howe wazan se pareshan hai, kun k wazan ka bhard jana bht se bemaryion ka sabab bnta hai. Zubida apa ne app ke is pareshani ko katm krne k liye ek totka btya hai jo main ajj app se share karne jaa rhe hooon, yeh azmoda r azmaya howa totka hai app es totake ki madad se bht kam dinoo main appna wazan 5 kg tak kam kr sakty hoo. mostly woman|girls| larkiyan apne wazan ko ly k pareshan hain js ki wajha se un ki shadi nai hoo paa rahe wo kesy ghr pe rh kar appna wazan kam kr skti yeh totka un k liye bohat mofeed hai,

Weight lose totka by Zobida Apa in Urdu:
Ek Glass Paani main 1 teaspoon  honey (Shahd) or half (Adha) teaspoon lemoo (Lemon) ka juice mix kr k subha subha nihar moh pee lain app ka weight 2 weeks main 5 pond tak kam hoo jaye ga.
Subha Subha (Early morning) ja app uthey hoo tu 2 glass taza pani pee lain app k weight main kafi farq nazar ayee ga.
2 teaspoon masooor (lentils) ki daal ko 4 glass pani main obaal lo jab pani 4 galss se  2 glass rh jaye tu us ko thanda kr k pee lo pani ko ziyada thanda ni karna neem garm sa paani hoo.
subha subha 4 glass neem garm paani penay se b weight main kami hoti hai.
1/2 teaspoon honey | shahd or 1/2 teaspoon ginger powder mix kar k ek glass pani main roz 1 week tak peiyaen app ka weight 6 ponds tak kam hoo jaye ga Insha Allah.

Weight lose totka by Zobida Apa in Urdu Home Remedies in Urdu

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Are you exercising or eating healthy but don’t have much to show for it? You might be in love with some common myths about exercising or making some mistakes. Take a look at this guide to avoid these weight loss myths and mistakes.
Avoid Temptation

We live in a world of temptations, and food is no exception. Sometimes we also get pressured from friends, colleagues and even family members to have that ghulab jaman or go out to eat a huge processed burger. However, we have to avoid these temptations.

Here are a few ways you can stay away from temptation:
Eat a high fat/high protein breakfast before you go to work. If you have a full belly, that samosa isn’t going to look as appetizing
Pack your lunch (healthily of course)
Keep a bag of nuts such as almonds, walnuts, or cashews with you at all times. It’s a much better snack option than what you’ll find in the canteen

You’ll have to explain to your friends or family why you are eating more health conscious, and if they don’t understand or except it, then just ignore them.
Stop Buying Product X or Going through Diet Y

What counts for building muscle includes determination, intensity, consistency and safety. If you think buying the most expensive formula, training uniform or machine is necessary for reaching your potential, you’re making a mistake. The supplements industry makes a lot of money. Despite this, research shows that most supplements literally do nothing to improve your health or well-being. In actuality, there are only a small number of supplements that are useful. Fish oil, vitamin D, and whey protein are the only three supplements that are recommend. If you have followed a fitness plan successfully for at least a month, consider those three options.

In addition, machines often compromise the intensity required for the body you desire. Instead, perform non-isolated functional dumbbell moves or barbell exercises like squats, bench presses and deadlifts. Also, diets added to training programs, especially when trying to build muscle, can be damaging. For example, the trending Paleo diet is a low-insulin diet, and insulin is required for building muscle.
Avoid Constant Treadmill Use

For all you chronic dieters and cardio enthusiasts that are trying to shed the fat, the right strength training program can boost your metabolism and help burn off more fat. Cardio does have benefits, including stress reduction, relief from depression, and increased life expectancy, but if you spend all your time on a treadmill or elliptical, you won’t be achieving anything. Lift weights at least twice per week, because resistance training increases your metabolic burn for much longer after a workout. In other words, weight lifting will help you burn calories for many hours after exercise, while cardio only burns calories during the act of exercise. By increasing lean muscle mass through lifting weights, you will increase your Basal metabolic rate, BMR. Activated contracting muscles are the body’s furnace. Excessive cardio and dieting can eat muscle tissue away.

Avoid Constant Exercise

Everyone wants more muscle and less fat, and conventional wisdom says that hours and hours of exercise will achieve those results. However, that can be far from the truth. Overkill is not only unnecessary, it can be counter-productive. You’ll get the best results with a strength training regimen, tailored to meet your needs which can be accomplished in three to four hours per week and only 20 minutes of cardio a day, especially if you use high intensity interval training. You can also choose to incorporate yoga for alternate exercise and variety.
For the Ladies Out There

Lift weights. Females who lift weights won’t look like men because they do not have the hormonal support to pile on a significant amount of muscle mass. Female lifters will however assume a shapelier figure. So ladies should incorporate light weight training into their regimen as well.
Don’t Get Impatient with the Process

Fat loss doesn’t happen at the rate your mind demands, but rather at the rate your body allows. Practice patience, because your success counts on it.

Avoid These Weight Loss Myths and Mistakes | Weight Loss

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Planning your wedding can be stressful, which can make you overeat and add to your daily caloric count. This can cause you to gain weight. However, here are some tips that will help you look slim and trim on your wedding day and beyond.

Manage Stress 

What future bride isn't worried about the details, the planning, and even fit of her dress? Life doesn't stop just because you're planning a wedding, and all that stress can do a number on your mental health—and your waistline. In addition, pick healthy venues for pre-wedding festivities such as dholkis. There will be showers, parties, and outings galore as your wedding gets closer, and managing stress of planning out the months will help to control your weight.

Track For Your Food 

That means all of it, from the spoonful of soup you sampled for your reception menu to the little bites of cake you taste. These "hidden" calories are easy to gloss over but can really add up.

Eat a Hearty Breakfast daily

Breakfast is the easiest meal to prepare at the same time the most important meal of the day and. Eat a healthful breakfast to get your metabolism fired up, and then you'll be more likely to make healthy choices throughout the day—like ordering a smart lunch and swinging by the gym after work.

Make Fitness a Priority

Food is only one part of the equation that determines whether you'll lose or gain weight. Fitness is just as important. Make sure you exercise at least 5 days a week, with a 20 minute walk and some light weight training.

Track For your Workouts

You wouldn't miss your cake tasting, pre-marriage counseling session or dress fitting, would you? Add your workouts to your calendar so that other obligations don't get in the way of your gym time.

Get Support & Take it One Day at a Time

It can be tough to stay strong and accountable to your goals if you don't have anyone else cheering you on. It can be even more difficult to do so when people are trying to sabotage your efforts. It's easy to go over your calories one day and feel like a failure. But remember that it takes much more than one day of overeating to thwart your progress.

Get Enough Sleep

Your mind and calendar may be full of to-dos, but is "plenty of sleep" on your agenda each day? It should be. Too little shuteye can hinder your weight-loss efforts, increasing cravings and leading to poor choices.

Stay Away from Fads

When someone is desperate to lose weight quickly, she'll usually turn to some questionable measures. Be on the lookout for fad diets such as the juice only detox and don't fall for fitness gimmicks either.

Keep an Emergency Snack on Hand

Don't let yourself get to hungry. Between smart snacking and balanced meals, keeping your body properly fueled can help you keep hunger at bay. Eating too little, on the other hand, creates cravings that are too hard to ignore. Stashing some healthy and portable foods in your car, purse, and desk drawer can help satisfy your cravings and prevent you from going overboard on all the wrong foods.

Drink your Water

Recent studies found that when people drink more water throughout the day, they end up eating fewer total calories. Another new study found that drinking water before each meal resulted in greater weight loss. Water and water-rich foods can help fill you up longer. Keep a cup of water in hand at family get-togethers, sip water between bites, and meet your daily quota to help prevent overeating.

Avoiding Weight Gain after Marriage

Gaining weight is common after you start your life with your new spouse. Sometimes there is less incentive to stay thin once we've found a partner and some circumstances can cause weight gain such as busy schedules which leave less time for physical activity and cooking healthy meals or laying on the couch and watching television after a long day. Post-pregnancy pounds stick around and may multiply for both parents. Developing healthy habits early in your marriage will help to ensure good health for both you and your new partner for many years.

Eat slowly and enjoy meals

Turn off the TV and spend quality time with your partner during meals. Eating meals slowly helps you to recognize your body’s signals for feeling full.

Set ground rules

Make it a rule that you can only watch TV certain nights of the week or for a certain period of time.

Plan to eat breakfast together

Breakfast kick-starts your metabolism and helps control hunger throughout the day.

Make exercise part of your marriage

It’s easy to get off track with your workouts after the wedding. Make exercise priority as soon as you get settled in. Letting too much time pass makes it harder to get back on track. If you both like to exercise, you’re lucky. Many couples battle with one another because one likes to exercise and the other doesn’t. If that’s the case, dig around to find something you both enjoy such as bike rides, a walk around the park or join a group fitness class together. Increased physical activity improves heart health by decreasing cholesterol and blood pressure. Sets goals with your partner to walk 1 mile after supper.

Don’t match each other portion for portion

Men normally require more calories than women to meet their energy needs. Don’t feel you need to match your partner’s portion sizes or accept second helpings.

Plan treats into your menu

You don’t need to avoid all kinds of foods. All foods in moderation can fit into a healthy diet. Just watch the portion size and the frequency.

Trade food duties

Offer to do the grocery shopping in trade for your partner preparing the meal. Creating variety in the foods you prepare will keep you motivated to maintain healthy eating behaviors.

Be supportive

Encourage you partner by saying “I’m proud of you” rather than “should you be eating that?

Do things together

It’s easy to collapse on the couch every night, but it’s just as easy to establish more active habits. Decide you'll take a walk after dinner, playing active games or taking your kids to the park.
Take your time and negotiate healthy eating habits that you can both live with. The goal of enjoying a healthy life together is achieved through learning, communication and practice.

Best Way To Lose Weight only Few Days | Health and Beauty with Slim body

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quick weight loss tips Paramount weight reduction data for youngsters

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  Ajj aap ko main Quick weight loss karny ki bahtreen tips bta raha hoon jis say aap asani say weight loose ake sakty hai .aap na nechy diye howy article ko read akrna hai or ic par amal karna hai aap ka weight chand dino main hi loss hona start ho jaye ga.
Quick weight loss tips in Urdu

Quick weight loss tips in Urdu

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Simple Tips to lose weight at Home in 2 Weeks

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Simple Tips to lose weight at Home in 2 Weeks

you can follow these tips for losing your weight in days without any medicines. Fatty peoples are not look good in personality they suffering from  stress and they fell alone in life because when they see a handsome and very healthy guy in front, a desire arise in her/his hearth he will be look like this.
  • Keep a food Jurnal
  • Drink 6 cups a water in a Day
  • Eat More Greens
  • Cook with fat free broth
  • eat whlie Grains
  • Measure everything
  • Use Skim Milk
  • Take Your Time EAting
  • Use Smaller Plates
  • Take Exercise Daily
  • Eat Seafood daily bases
  • Use meat as a condiment
  • Eat Fiber in food plan
  • Eat Fresh and Green Vegetables
  • Eat Health Snacks

Simple Tips to lose weight at Home in 2 Weeks

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Lose Weight by diet plan just in 2 weeks

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The diet plan

Here, I would like to share with you my food schedule.
Lose Weight by diet plan just in 2 weeks

 Breakfast :

 Nestle fitness cereals or porridge.

Lunch :

A couple of boiled eggs or steamed chicken sandwiches in brown or whole meal bread with any sauce of your choice excluding mayonnaise or any other creamy blended sauce, not even low fat. And an apple and an orange.


 Grilled or steamed chicken, fish or steaks with a couple of brown or whole meal breads with any sauce.

Lose Weight by diet plan

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weight loss tips fast and easy in urdu

how we lose Fastest way to lose weight in one month?, Lose Weight, Patla hone ka tarika in urdu | weight less in urdu | How to become slim, Slim and Smart body, 

Loss Weight tips | How to become Slim |

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Motapay ka 100% Ilaj

how we lose Fastest way to lose weight in one month?, Mota hony ka leay, Motapa, Patla hone ka tarika in urdu | weight less in urdu | How to become slim, Slim and Smart body, Patla honay ka 100% ilaj | How to Become Slim |

Patla honay ka 100% ilaj | How to Become Slim |

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Top 5 weight reduction tips for teens
Is it true that you are planning to shed a few pounds in time for the June through August timeframe so you can flaunt your new trim figure? Is it true that you are considering how to keep it off one opportunity you have lost it? The learning gave in this article will empower you to do that and much more.
If you are overweight and accordingly you have lost your self-assurance and the sum of your companions - this is for you. Assuming that you will remain faithful to it, you won't just lose the overabundance pounds however you will pick up new companions and in addition a just took the ribbon off new feeling of accomplishment and self pride. You will have less uneasiness about your presence and your weight will never again be ever-display in the once more of your brain. You will figure out how to revel in more than enough new sorts of sustenances.
Top five Best Diet Tips Ever

1) Set practical desires - three, 500 calories is proportional to pound of overweight. A weight reduction rate of two pounds normal a week is a protected rate guaranteeing you are just losing overweight and not muscle or water. The target and center should be to deplete fewer calories while getting more work out.
2) Get rest each day. Satisfactory slumber will lessen the urge to indulge in the work of the day. Sufficient slumber will smolder your additional calories. It will abate the maturing process and will keep you far from putting on additional weight.
3) Exercise normally - in the event that you haven't been practicing on a standard foundation get together with of your lady friends and begin strolling. Begin by strolling for five minutes thrice a week and gradually advance it. Take a few activities customarily like high-impact, fortifying, toning and adaptability. Pick fun practices that you appreciate.
4) Eat a sound diet - for instance layer apples and oranges on the lowest part of your frozen yogurt sweet with the goal that you will just take scoop rather than and still get a charge out of it. Consume more apples and oranges, vegetables, incline meat, and dairy and entire grain nourishments. Do whatever it takes not to consume sustenances holding fats. You can additionally have weight reduction smoothies rather. Don't head over three - four hours without sustenance. Utilize a 9 inch plate to verify you have littler divides.
5) Weigh yourself normally - no less than one opportunity a week. It will help you stay inspired and centered.

Adolescent young ladies must attempt these straightforward 5 steps to misfortune their weight.


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Weight Loss in Urdu 

Urdu Tips For Weight Loss

how we lose Fastest way to lose weight in one month?, Lose Weight, Patla hone ka tarika in urdu | weight less in urdu | How to become slim, 

Urdu Tips For Weight Loss | SLIM AND SMART|

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How to become slim

How to become slim |exercise for belly|

How to become slim |exercise for belly|

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Motapay ka ilaj in Urdu

How to Become Slim

Motapay ka harbal ilaj

how to become slim and smart | how to become slim and smart in urdu |

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Secrets of Long-Term Weight Loss

So exactly how do successful losers -- all those people we've seen on reality shows and in magazine articles - beat the odds to avoid regaining?
More than a decade ago, researchers James Hill, PhD, and Rena Wing, PhD, set out to answer that question. They initiated the National Weight Control Registry (NWCR), which tracks the habits of more than 6,000 people who have lost at least 30 pounds and kept it off for more than a year. (The average participant has lost about 70 pounds and has kept it off for six years.)
Hill and Wing learned that these successful losers tended to share several habits:

  1. They follow a relatively low fat, calorie-controlled diet. "Controlling portions [and] eating foods high in water, like soups and vegetables, can make it easier to control calories," says American Dietetic Association spokeswoman Bonnie Taub-Dix, MA, RD. If you also limit the variety of foods you eat, you can simplify your diet and make it easier to not overeat. Zied cautions to choose your calories wisely; don't waste them on foods you don't love.
  2. Whether it's Monday, Saturday, or a holiday, successful dieters follow a consistent pattern of eating from day to day. This establishes a routine, and even though there is room for splurges, this set eating plan is the cornerstone of their success. Since everyone needs a special treat once in awhile, Dix suggests planning your splurges in advance.
  3. Successful weight loss maintainers eat frequently, every 3 to 4 hours, or 4 to 5 times a day. Hunger is the Achilles heel of any dieter, and frequent eating helps you control your blood sugar and manage your appetite. "And don't forget to drink plenty of water or unsweetened beverages, because thirst is sometimes confused with hunger and extra fluids can help take the edge off your appetite," says Dix.
  4. They start the day with breakfast. This is an essential step to get your engine going and to help you perform better in the boardroom or at the gym. Breakfast doesn't have to be anything fancy, either. "Enjoy a bowl of high-fiber, whole-grain cereal with fruit and non-fat dairy for a great meal that will last for hours," suggests Zied.
  5. They exercise for 60 minutes each day. Most successful losers are walking 11,000-12,000 steps, or the equivalent of 5.5-6 miles per day. For those in midlife who now find that it's now harder to lose weight and keep it off, Peeke suggests increasing intensity during your walks. "Stop looking in the past at what used to work," she says. "In order to achieve and maintain weight loss, you have to add in intensity to mobilize the fat." So add some hills, do some speed intervals, or do whatever it takes to boost your heart rate a little more.
  6. Successful losers get on the scale regularly, whether it's daily, every other day, or weekly. "Everyone has their own formula of how many pounds it takes to trigger tightening the belt," says Zied. She personally allows herself 2-3 pounds to play with. When the scale goes up beyond that number, she steps up her activity and curbs her calories.
  7. Members of the Registry limit television watching to about 10 hours per week -- about one-third of the typical American habit. This gives them more time to exercise, and no doubt reduces mindless munching in front of the tube.
In addition, Taub-Dix and Zied add these habits to the list:
  1. Don't beat yourself up about your weight or about slip-ups; instead, engage in positive self-talk. "Being negative or feeling guilty is counterproductive," says Dix. "Talk to yourself in a positive manner, like a psychotherapist, not like the Wicked Witch."
  2. Keep in mind, Dix says, that the weight loss or maintenance plan that has worked for your friend or co-worker might not be the best approach for you: "It is not about the diet, but about what works best for you because there is no right or wrong way."
  3. Lose weight slowly. This approach is more realistic and gives dieters the chance to gradually settle into their new lifestyle and weight. "When you do it slowly, you can stop focusing on the numbers on the scale and work on changing your eating habits, improving your lifestyle, and [adapting] to the new way of life," says Zied.

Weight Loss | Secrets of Long-Term Weight Loss | slim Body

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Motapay Ka ilaj our wazan kam karnay k Totaky

Wazan kam kam karnay ka dasi ilaj

Motapay Ka Quran ma Ilaj

Motapay Ka ilaj our wazan kam karnay k Totaky in Urdu

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How to become Slim and Smart 
Looking for ways to get slim naturally? If you want to lose weight, but don’t want to take diet pills or follow some ridiculous diet (cabbage, anyone?), you need to learn how people can get slim naturally, without much effort.
If you have to spend too much time to lose weight, you’re likely to give up and go back to your regular habits because they are easier. The key to losing weight and keeping it off is to learn the little tricks that make losing weight easy. Take a look at these seven simple ways to get slim naturally (say that 10 times fast!):

1. Eat five times a day, starting with breakfast. Many people try to skip breakfast, thinking that they are saving themselves some calories. This rarely works — they end up overeating at other times of the day. In the morning, your body has gone without food for several hours while you were sleeping. It needs that energy to get started. By eating five small meals each day, starting with breakfast, you’ll stoke the fires of your metabolism, making it easier to lose weight.
See: Calories Per Meal Calculator
2. Drink more water. Surprisingly, many people reach for food when their body is actually thirsty. Water also helps your body to flush things out, helping you get slim. Drink at least 8 bottles of water per day and try to drink more if you are particularly active or it is a hot day. This will keep you hydrated.
See: 7 Reasons To Give Water the Respect It Deserves
3. Grab a piece of fruit. Before you leave your house, be sure to take an apple or banana with you. When you’re out and about, you may not have access to healthy snacks when you get hungry. This could lead you straight to the drive-through. However, if you have a piece of fruit with you, you’ll have something to hold you over until you get home.
4. Eat slowly and stop eating before you feel full. Your brain can take up to 20 minutes to realize that your stomach is full. Because of this, you should make sure to stop eating before you eat too much. It helps if you eat slowly instead of scarfing down a full meal in 5 minutes.
See: You Need to Slow Down to Lose Weight
5. Watch your portion sizes. Eating too much can negatively affect your plans to lose weight. When you don’t watch how much you eat, you’ll gain weight instead of losing it. People that stay naturally slim eat smaller portions.
6. Don’t drink your calories. Whether your poison is energy drinks, lattes, sugary sodas, or even juice, beverages can contain a lot of calories and they don’t make you full. Swap these out for low- or no-calorie beverages and you’ll get slim naturally.
See: How Liquid Calories May Be Making You Fat

7. Eat cake. Or chocolate. Or potato chips. Whatever “bad” snack is your favorite, it’s OK to eat it sometimes, in normal sized portions. Naturally slim people allow themselves a few indulgences because they know that this tends to prevent the overindulging that occurs when you deprive yourself.
By using the about ways to get slim naturally, you’ll be well on your way to losing weight in a healthy way!

How to become Slim and Smart | Slim and Smart body

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Method 1 of 2: Eat to Gain Weight
  1. Eat and eat often. While everyone should abide by this rule, it is especially true for those who are trying to gain weight. Eating often means eating five to six small meals a day and packing in those nutrients.
    • This doesn't mean eating junk food and sugars, it means lots of protein and carbs. You want to obtain a healthy weight, not build up your fat deposits. Unlike many of your peers, your snacks should be nutritious but calorie dense: think nuts, peanut butter, cheese, dried fruits and avocados.And that bedtime snack? Go for it!
    • Even though it's a good way to gain weight, it's unhealthy -- so pass on the sodas and coffee. Keep your liquids up with smoothies or shakes made with low-fat milk or juice for an energized calorie boost. And remember to drink 30 minutes before or after your meal; you don't want to be full before you even start eating.
  2. Gain Weight Quickly Step 2 Version 2.jpg
    2:Eat the right kind of fats. You want a bigger, healthier looking body--not a thin frame with a bit of a paunch. Maximise the avocados, dairy products, nuts (including peanut butter), and meats; stay away from ice cream, fries and fatty junk foods.
    • Healthy fats can be obtained from foods like peanuts, cashews, and olive oil. Stay away from saturated fats (bad fats) gained from processed foods. If you're looking for a treat, good alternatives are bran muffins, yogurt, fruit pies and granola bars.
  3. Gain Weight Quickly Step 3 Version 2.jpg
    3:Ghigh-protein. Though it's a myth that protein builds muscle, it is an essential part of your diet.It's a building block of our entire body: muscles, bones, skin, hair, and blood. Go for high-protein foods to fill up.
    • Protein-rich foods include meat, cheese, milk, fish, and eggs. For vegetarians, protein can be found in soy products such as tofu as well as in combinations of foods, such as rice or corn with beans.
  4. 4
    Layer on the carbs. Though they get a bad rap, carbs, too, help build muscle and facilitate all of your vital functions. Carbs are your body's main source of energy. Complex carbs are fine; it's the simple ones you want to avoid. They contain empty calories and will most likely be stored as fat because the sugars enter your bloodstream quickly and cause a spike in blood sugar levels.
    • Brown rice, pasta, potatoes and whole grains fall into the approved category. These sugars are released slowly into your bloodstream and provide a steady supply of energy over a long period of time without causing the insulin spike that leads to fat storage.
  5. Gain Weight Quickly Step 5 Version 2.jpg
    Eat late at night. Without even upping your food intake, changing your eating times can facilitate the weight gaining process. Have a big dinner late at night and after that? Pile on dessert.
    • A recent study shows that people who snack after 8 p.m. have higher body mass indexes (BMIs) than people who don’t nosh at night, even though they don’t eat significantly more total daily calories. The researchers adjusted for many factors; timing seemed to be the one variable that correlated.

Method 2 of 2: Exercise to Gain Weight

  1. 1
    Weight train. While cardio will develop some of your muscles, weight training alone is more likely to cause you to gain weight, since muscle weighs more than fat.
    • This does not mean you have to join a gym (though that certainly would work!). Do push-ups, crunches, lunges, and squats in the comfort of your own home while watching TV.
    • Exercising also builds up your appetite. After a workout, slam a protein bar or shake to give your muscles what they're craving.
  2. Gain Weight Quickly Step 7.jpg
    Increase your workout. As you progress, what you've been doing will not be enough. Your muscles will get used to the work you're putting them through--as your workouts get easier, change them up to make them more difficult.
    • Invest in weights for your home. That way, when you only have 15 minutes before you have to get ready for work, you can squeeze in a quick muscle-building session to stay on the right track.
  3. Gain Weight Quickly Step 8.jpg
    Other than weight training, stay immobile. The simple "more calories out than in" motto is true. So apart from bulking up, burn as few calories as possible. Grab the remote, your smoothie, and hanker down on the couch.
    • If you do become more sedentary overall, it's important to keep weight training. Even if you can't see the fat on your body, visceral fat (the kind lining your arteries) can still show up. And visceral fat loves inactivity. So before you sit down to watch that movie, pump some iron. Then have a marathon--a movie marathon--with some snacks.

How To Become Fat | Mota hony ka leay | Diet for become healty

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Although it is not generally recommended to lose 15 pounds in a month, it is possible, provided you have a substantial amount of weight to lose. As healthy weight loss normally equals 1 to 2 pounds a week, you should talk to your doctor before you attempt to lose weight this quickly. If this type of weight loss is suitable for your condition, it will take a lot of self discipline and determination to lose 15 pounds in a month. You will have to follow a low-calorie food plan in which you restrict your portions, while still feeding yourself essential vitamins and nutrients.
Your diet plan should consist of a small amount of whole grains and healthy fats, some low or non-fat dairy, lean protein, and an abundance of fruits or vegetables. Make sure to eat every 4 hours to keep your metabolism fueled and to prevent yourself from overeating at a given meal. Here is what a day of eating should look like while you’re trying to lose this kind of weight:


As you’ve heard before, breakfast is the most important meal of the day and this is not the time to skimp on calories. Your breakfast should consist of slow-burning carbs and protein to keep your energy levels going strong throughout the day and to keep your appetite under control. You need to properly feed and fuel your metabolism when you wake up, and you can do this by choosing one of the following breakfast options:
  • Egg white veggie omelet with a piece of dry whole wheat toast and half a banana
  • A few small, whole wheat pancakes topped with berries and non-fat yogurt
  • Whole grain cereal with non-fat milk and berries and a hard boiled egg

Mid-Morning Snack

Your mid-morning snack should keep your energy levels elevated and hold you over until lunch. Fruit is a great option for a mid-morning snack, as the healthy carbs and natural sugars will continue to fuel your metabolism. Some other good choices are non-fat yogurt, low-fat string cheese or a hard boiled egg, but be sure to choose something you didn’t previously consume at breakfast.


Your lunch on this eating plan should be light, but not so light that you run the risk of overeating later in the day. A great option would be a half a sandwich and a small bowl of broth-based soup. The sandwich should include whole wheat bread and be filled with grilled veggies or low fat turkey. It should lack mayo and other fatty condiments. You can also opt for a mixed green salad topped with salmon or grilled chicken.

Mid-Afternoon Snack

Mini carrots or other raw veggies are great for a nutritious afternoon snack. Dip them in a small amount of hummus, and if this doesn’t do the trick, add about 10 nuts to your snack.


Your dinner should be free of carbohydrates, and consist of a lean protein (either fish or white meal) and lots of veggies. Your whole-grain carbs should be consumed earlier in the day when you need the most energy and have time to burn them off.


Don’t blow your hard day’s work on dessert. Your dessert should remain under 100 calories and consist of either fruit or some low-fat pudding or Jell-o.

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